Real Property Management Greater Madison Metro

Air Conditioning and Emergency Maintenance Requests

With Wisconsin heat getting into the full swing of the season, be sure to keep your rental property’s AC up and running. The Great Madison area is already reaching above-average temps, and if your tenants experience broken AC for any of these threatening degree highs, you’ll find yourself in some real hot water. Learn to recognize what constitutes an emergency maintenance request for AC systems this summer.

When to Worry

As temperatures in Madison’s metro area rise, so do the risks of AC emergencies that could endanger the lives of your tenants. A no air-conditioning emergency maintenance request is generally when outside temperatures climb over 80 degrees. Any higher than that and you should take immediate action to protect your tenants.

By Wisconsin law, property investors are responsible for keeping heating, plumbing, electrical systems, and building structure in good condition so tenants have a livable residence. If you fail to respond to an emergency HVAC request, you’re liable for any harm that comes to the tenant, including heatstroke.

Emergencies can typically be avoided by following some simple HVAC maintenance guidelines prior to the summer heatwaves; however, sometimes these problems are unavoidable. These unforeseen issues can cause temporary stress for both you and your tenants, but there’s no need to panic.

Handling an Emergency

Emergency AC repair most commonly stems from four main issues:

The best solution? Get a well-trusted contractor on-site as soon as possible. Having a list of several technicians or hiring a property management company with reputable contractors is usually the fastest, safest route to HVAC repair.

Even as a landlord, there are proactive steps to take prior to enlisting professional help. These general fixes will help to eliminate small issues masquerading as emergencies:

Teamwork Makes the AC Work

Maintenance and repairs are a necessary expense in owning a rental property (or properties). Timely, cost-effective repairs and upkeep significantly impact your return on investment, not to mention the safety of your tenants. Employing Real Property Management Greater Madison Metro will save you time and money and ensure emergency repairs are completed in a professional, timely manner for you and your tenants to safely enjoy your summers. Talk to our experienced property managers today.